Thunderhill East / Apr 11 (Open Test Day)
4/11 (Fri) Thunderhill East (Bypass - Open Track event)
103 dB Sound Limit
7+ Track Day Experience Required.
No run group, open track style, test and tune day.
Open Wheels vehicle is not allowed. (Fenders required)
$500 / driver ($450 with early bird discount, ends 3 weeks before the event or 60% Full)
Event requirements
Minimum age of 18, both driver and passenger
Helmets - Current requirement is M2015+ / SA2015+
Sharing the same run group with multiple drivers is not allowed.
SUVs and open wheels vehicles are not allowed.
Tow Hook or some tow points is required.
All convertibles must be equipped with rollover protection. Factory-equipped roll over protection is allowed. Miatas (NA-NB 89-05) must have approved roll bars to be on the race track. Please contact us to make sure your convertible is allowed. Both Driver and passenger heads with helmets must be below the top of the front windshield and roll bar.