2025 SpeedSF Challenge Schedule in Work
2024 - DONE!
February 18th: Laguna Seca Raceway - DONE!
March 10th: Sonoma Raceway - DONE!
April 7th: Thunderhill West Raceway - DONE!
April 28th: Buttonwillow Raceway - DONE!
May 24th: Laguna Seca Raceway - DONE!
July 7th: Thunderhill 5mile Raceway - DONE!
September 1st: Thunderhill East Bypass Raceway - DONE!
October 6th: Thunderhill West - DONE!
November 10th: Sonoma Raceway - DONE!
November 29th: Buttonwillow Raceway - DONE!
December 14th: Thunderhill Raceway 5 mile DOUBLE POINTS - DONE!
Download: Entry Form
2025 SpeedSF Challenge Supplemental Rules:
-A minimum lap time may be established at some events where risk of lapped traffic during the Speed SF Challenge is likely (i.e. a lot of entries, short track, etc); competitors may not be allowed to compete in the dedicated SF Challenge session - if necessary - to keep competition fluidity.
-There will be 2 or more Qualifying sessions in the morning before the dedicated SpeedSF (SSF) Challenge session; these qualifying sessions count toward the SSF Challenge class records and the SSF Challenge grid.
-The SSF Challenge session: Grid is based on the qual sessions described above. The SSF Challenge Championship points, however, are based only on the Challenge session. Therefore, competitors must drive 2 or more laps SSF Challenge to earn points.
General Rules
All competitors must have timing through SpeedSF Track Events (included in the SSF Challenge entry fee)
All Miatas must have an approved 4-point roll bar installed - NO EXCEPTIONS.
If your car is not listed, please contact scottsmith@speedsf.com for guidance.
All convertible cars are required to have roll over protection. Factory OEM Roll Protection may be allowed (S2K, ND2 Miata), please contact SpeedSF staff prior running a convertible car.
All competitors must fill out and turn in their SSF Challenge entry form at each event
All entries must list the tire they are running for the SpeedSF Challenge.
Season Podium requires participating in 6+ challenges.
*The lowest points results (or non-compete) - Four drops will be excluded.
If your tire is not listed, it follows the Tread Wear Rating class; ask the Competition Director for clarity if you are unsure.
Use of Nitrous Oxide is prohibited on all tracks at all track days.
Cooling and brake related mods are allowed in all classes.
If a mod is not listed it carries no points; ask the Competition Director if you are unsure.
Rules subject to change without notice.
Protests must be made in writing to the Competition Director or designee anytime and up to 15 minutes after the dedicated SpeedSF Challenge session. Protests are anonymous unless otherwise declared.
10+ track days experience required to enter SF Challenge, or sanctioned Competition License.
There will be 2 or more Qualifying sessions in the morning before the dedicated SpeedSF Challenge session; the qual sessions count toward the SpeedSF Challenge class records and grid.
The SpeedSF Challenge session: Grid is based on the qual sessions described above, however, the SpeedSF Challenge Championship points are based on the Challenge session itself. Drivers must drive the outlap and at least one timed lap to get a lap time in the SpeedSF Challenge.
*** If your vehicle is not listed, please contact us. We will assign the vehicle base points to you according to our system ***